Silagra is a popular brand across the globe for treating Erectile Dysfunction and impotence related issues. Silagra is the brand of one of the most reputed pharmaceutical company “CIPLA”. The active ingredient in Silagra is Sildenafil Citrate and is prescribed worldwide among doctors in treating Erectile Dysfunction. Silagra is available in 100mg pill and is consumed by many ED affected men to improve their erection.
Silagra is one of the more popular successors of Viagra. Conditions like Erectile Dysfunction are no longer diseases of the old or infirm. Nowadays these conditions are seen in the most strong, virile men. What should they do in such a scenario ? They should turn to Silagra. It give you the strength to fulfil your wildest desires and much more. It helps you breakthrough the limiting barriers to help you achieve your dream sex life. Being the successor of Viagra, it also contains Sildenafil Citrate, a constituent that inhibits PDE-5 thereby delaying the degradation of cGMP, thus enabling successful and maintained erection. It should be taken 30 minutes before coition and it maintains upto 4 hours.